How to help

As a charity, we are always happy to hear from people who would like to help us. 

Today why not start something new and support Just42!

Please click on the SUPPORTERS heading below for more information on how you can get involved in supporting our work through a membership scheme or by sponsoring a Just42 young person.






If you are a young person or parent then we would love to have your feedback. Simply click the word 'FEEDBACK' below to complete a quick survey!




Click on this above icon to donate to
Just42 - thank you for your support!


We would be delighted if you could pray for us and our work.

Please click on the 'PRAYER' heading opposite to view our latest prayer requests.

Supporting Just42

Just42 is dependent on funding from a variety of sources including church donations, individual giving, grants and trusts. We need the support of individuals and businesses from our local communities to continue our work, improving the lives of local children and young people.  This support forms the foundation of our funding.

Please consider supporting us through Membership.

Read more and apply here


Because our work with children and young people is constantly growing, we are often in need of extra volunteers to help us. These can be either regular or one off.

If you think you could spare some time to help us in our very important work, please click on the 'VOLUNTEER' heading opposite for more information.